
Flavia Maceiras

ESO student


Flavia Maceiras Oviedo

Student 2º ESO

About his future studies: “I still have time to change my mind”

Personal profile

Flavia Maceiras was born on March 6, 2007 in A Coruña. She has lived her entire life in Brión, although a few months ago, she and her family moved to Ames.


She studied primary school at CEIP de Pedrouzos (Brión) and she is studying high school at the IES Brión.

Apart from academic studies, she practices rhythmic gymnastics and competes at a regional level.


She wants to study scientific A-Levels and pursue a degree related to chemistry. She is attracted to subjects like maths, physics and chemistry. She prefers subjects that are easier to understand and practice more than those that are only about memorizing information. In the future she wants to study subjects like French, Scientific Culture or Technology.

Interest and inspiration:

Her father is a telecommunications engineer and he often shows her things related to this line of work. In addition, her grandmother is a nurse and passes on to her knowledge about the human body.

She began to feel an interest in science when she was little, since her family usually watches many documentaries related to nature, the universe, etc.

On line

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  • email:
  • Instagram: @flavii_2007
  • Interview


    1. ¿En qué ámbito te gustaría continuar tus estudios?

    2. ¿Qué materias optativas te gustan más?

    3. Cúal es la materia que más te gusta estudiar o te divierte?

    4. ¿Tienes algún referente o conocido en la familia que te inspire relacionado con el ámbito científico?

    5. A la hora de elegir los estudios, ¿crees que afectan los roles de género?

    Marta Rodríguez

    Physics major


    Marta Rodríguez Lorenzo

    Physics student and former student IES de Brión

    To all who are deciding what to study:"Don’t worry, very few get it right the first time, including those who think they are sure about what they want. I advise you to look at the curriculum before making a decision in order to know what subjects you’ll study".

    Personal profile

    She was born on 14th January 2002 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. When she was four she moved with her family to Brión, where they currently live.

    She has loved music since she was a little girl. She started going to singing classes, then she took up the guitar. When she was fifteen she started her music studies on saxophone, which she is presently finishing.


    She studied primary school in CEIP Pedrouzos (Brión) and high school in IES Brión, except for one year that she went to Canada at the age of seventeen. The language wasn’t a problem at the time because she got used to it quickly, Marta says. She considers that both academically and socially it is an enriching and unforgettable experience. The experiences she lived, which helped her to leave her comfort zone, also favored her personal development.

    Currently, she is studying her first year of a Physics degree at the university of Santiago de Compostela.


    She is very proud of getting into her first choice in the University and also of having spent a whole year in Canada while at the same time continuing her music studies. She feels especially pleased with a project on Arduino that she did with another schoolmate in their fourth year of high school. She is not sure what she wants to specialize in at the end of her degree. She is considering doing a master’s degree, although she wants to investigate all the possibilities before making a final decision.

    Her taste for physics began in her fourth year of high school and in her senior year of high school, when she decided what she wanted to study. She has considered going into maths but during her last year of high school she learned more about the degree, she realized that she was more interested in physics, because it is taught in a more practical way. Her teachers played an important role when she had to make her decision because of how they supported her.

    Interests and inspiration

    She hasn’t got any historical reference; rather, her source of inspiration is current. Her former teacher, Noela inspired her with her teaching methodology and her taste for physics.

    On line

    On line

  • Instagram: @martusky15
  • Marta's project: Modelading, impressed 3d and Arduino: Arduino Day
  • Interview


    1. ¿Cómo resumes tu experiencia de cursar un año en Canadá?

    2. ¿Cuándo tuviste claro que querías estudiar Física?

    3. ¿Qué factores fueron decisivos en tu elección de grado?

    4. ¿Qué consejo nos darías a los alumnos confusos o indecisos en la elección de estudios?

    5. ¿Crees que afectan los roles de género a la hora de elegir estudios?

    6. ¿Realizas alguna formación complementaria que quieras compartir con nosotr@s?

    7. ¿Cómo organizas tu tiempo para simultanear las diferentes actividades?

    Beatriz Vérez

    College preparatory student


    Beatriz Vérez Gerpe

    College preparatory student IES de Brión

    "In my A levels there is a big difference between the number of boys and girls that are registered, with women being in the minority."

    Personal Profile

    Beatriz Vérez Gerpe was born in Brion the 4th of June 2003 and she still lives there.


    She studied primary education at CEIP de Pedrouzos and her secondary school studies at IES de Brión. She’s currently finishing her college preparatory courses at the same high school.

    The first time that she showed interest in technology was in her last year of secondary school but she didn’t choose technical drawing and physics until this last stage of her high school studies.


    In the future, she would like to study something related to Big Data (large data that is analyzed computationally to reveal patterns associated with human behaviour) or with programming. Luckily, there are plenty of options to study what she likes here, in Galicia.

    Right now she doesn’t see herself working in any specific place. Nevertheless, she is excited about the wide range of possibilities that are available.

    Interests and inspiration

    No one inspired her; rather, she found inspiration within herself. She didn’t have a clear idea about her studies but she opted for the field of technology because she simply had access to information which guided her. Her interest for ICT stands out above the others.

    On line

    On line

  • Instagram: @beonoteveo
  • Interview


    1.¿Qué factores influyeron en tu elección de seleccionar el ámbito tecnológico?

    2.¿Qué quieres estudiar en el futuro?

    3.¿Dónde te gustaría trabajar?

    4.A la hora de elegir los estudios, ¿crees que afectan los roles de género?

    5.¿Cómo ves la situación de la mujer en las STEAM en el futuro?

    6.¿Qué les recomendarías a las alumnas indecisas en la elección de estudios?

    Carmen Trigo

    Computer engineering major


    Carmen Trigo Cobas

    Computer engineering student USC and former student IES Brión

    "I like to go against the current"

    Personal profile

    She was born in Santiago de Compostela in 2000, and she currently lives in Brión.
    She defines herself as a person who is in constant development, curious and science-loving.
    Since she was a child she has combined practicing sports and learning languages with her academic studies. Now she continues with those activities and she thinks that having things to do that are unrelated to studies helps her to be organised.


    She went to primary school at the CEIP Pedrouzos and high school at the IES de Brión.
    At present, she is studying at the University of Santiago de Compostela to be a Computer Engineer.
    She thinks that this chapter at University is only another stage in her life. People yearn for the university years, but she thinks it isn't as wonderful as American cinema makes us perceive it.
    It is a time when you have an enormous amount of responsibilities and when you forget the general idea of science or humanities and you focus more on the degree you’ve chosen or on whatever it is that you are studying.
    Specifically, she likes the methodology used in her degree, which is based on projects and assignments that she thinks prepare us better for the future.


    Thanks to having studied at a school with good resources in the field of Technology, she was able to study subjects like TIC and Robotics, which focus on intelligent work (very similar, in her opinion, to the way it is done at university), she was able to carry out many projects, from creating web pages such as "Wisibilízalas", to robot programming contests, and participating in science exhibitions and in a round table. It is very difficult for her to highlight just one of these projects because she learnt with all of them. Also, in highschool workshops she learnt to get to know her public and to transmit her ideas so they would understand her.
    Right now she is not sure what she wants to do after finishing her degree. Actually, she still has time and projects ahead of her that can help her to decide. She thinks that when you choose what you're going to study you need to choose what you like, because you will dedicate a lot of hours to what you are studying and if you don’t enjoy it, you will have a hard time.
    To the people who are undecided she recommends keeping calm, but she suggests that we ask ourselves how far we are willing to go, how much effort we are willing to make and sacrifice to get what we want. Another piece of advice is to do what you want to do, but if you are unsure of what you want, she suggests looking at the list of degrees and crossing out the degrees that we don’t like. Then, with the ones that are left, she recommends reading the program, the subjets and the possible job opportunities each one can offer.

    Interests and inspiration

    Having mentors in her area is almost utopian; even so, there are a lot of interesting women who she represents with an analogy of the solar system, where each planet represents one woman.
    She thinks that gender roles have an effect on the studies you choose and that projects like wisibilizalas showcase women in these fields who are not so well known.

    On line

    On line

  • "Alumnos de Brión ganan dos concursos de robotica". La voz de Galicia, 2016
  • "El futuro de la robótica ya estudia en el IES de Brión". El correo gallego, 2016
  • "Día da Ciencia na rúa 2017" IES de Brión
  • "Mulleres TIC", winning website 3º prize Wisibilízalas 2017
  • "Ellas", website presented Wisibilízalas 2018
  • "IVI: Interpretación Virtual Interactiva", proyecto interdisciplinar 2017
  • Award-winning project: "Sensores para todos",2017
  • Award-winning educational innovation project: "Desafíos STEM: programación, robótica e impresión 3D" 2017.
  • Participation in the room table "A fenda de xénero no mundo das TIC", Museo do Pobo Galego, 2018
  • "De volta ao instituto" Tecnoloxía na rede, 2020
  • Interview


    1. Algún proyecto o logro que puedas destacar?

    2. ¿Cuándo tuviste claro que querías estudiar algo relacionado con la Tecnología?

    3. ¿Qué factores fueron decisivos en tu elección del grado de Ingeniería Informática?

    4. ¿Crees que acertaste en tu elección?

    5. ¿Qué nos recomendarías al alumnado indeciso en la elección de estudios?

    6. Tuviste alguna referente próxima o histórica que te inspirara?

    7.A la hora de elegir los estudios, crees que afectan los roles de género?